Meet the Artist
My Life as an Artist
I have been drawing since I could pick up a pencil, and my favorite subject has always been horses.
In fact, Miss Chew, my first grade teacher, remembered me drawing them in her class.
Many people ask what prompted me to give up a successful 20-year career as a designer and art director to run my own business. Like many others, I would go to a horse show and want to bring back a souvenir shirt. Being constantly frustrated by the lack of good design, I found myself thinking, “I can do better than this,” and decided to give it a try. When I sold out at my first show, I was hooked!
Talk about being totally horse nuts. My husband Mitchell (Mr. Wonderful) and I even got married at a horse show! In the bottom left photo, here we are (with a friend) in center ring at the 1994 Arabian Region 9 Championship Show just after the wedding ceremony. A newspaper reporter from the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram wrote a front-page article about our unique wedding.
Even the party favors at the reception had a “horsey” theme. Instead of rice, they contained rolled oats for tossing as well as cubed sugar for our guests’ horses.

My husband Mitchell and I (plus a friend) right after the ceremony. Our wedding was held in center ring at the 1994 Region 9 Championships, Fort Worth, Texas